Where to buy notebook batteries at ZhongGuanCun (中关村)

I guess you already know that ZhongGuanCun (中关村) in Peking (北京) is the largest collection of shoppping centers selling computers and electronics stuff. If you need something for your computer, I think you will find at least 1,000 shops/counters selling what you want. The hard part is getting what you want at the price you don't regret later. The trick is to buy only things you have researched thoroughly. Use a place like eBay to find out the lowest market price. Buying something on impulse will always end up with regrets, unless you are a trained negotiator. ZhongGuanCun is not one mall. It is a whole city of malls. I don't know how many there are. I went to only a couple of buildings. Basically they are all the same. I guess in lieu of marketing to differentiate, each just bank on fleecing one unsuspecting customer a day. I went to look for a notebook battery. Surprisingly this was one item that was not really that popular. If you need a battery and want to ...