What you can do with one cheap lousy camera

National Geographic prides itself in sending photographers armed with tens of thousands of dollars of equipment across vast distances to take great pictures. Big deal! I think it's a bigger challenge to see what you can capture from one spot on planet Earth , with just one cheap lousy camera. What you see here are pictures all taken from one place, my home. From the meta data you can tell that a cheap Nikon was used before 2007 and a cheap Canon was used after that. Both are below $300 and not SLRs , and if cameras with those specifications are still built today, they would probably cost $50. In the pictures shown here: All are real living things, except for the thing in the sky and the paper snake, the latter taken by a 5-year old. All are taken in their natural environment except for one, and that is the civet cat which is caged. All living things are live (other than the obviously dead lizard which was not the subject anyway) and in their natural pose except for one. S...